Insighture donates LKR 1 million worth of Covid-19 Essentials to Sucharithodaya Orphanage in Maharagama

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At Insighture, we place people at the heart of our company’s culture. Ensuring that our clients receive the best quality service is as important to us as our employee’s happiness and satisfaction. However, we also extend our people-first approach to the local community and give back to society.

Many of us hoped to leave the pandemic behind in 2020, but both the world and Sri Lanka are still suffering significantly today.

During our past project, we helped families with young children and elderly people who lost their only source of income by providing essential care packages. Their gratitude showed us that the impacts of COVID-19 are not the same for everyone. For some, having a family is in itself a privilege.

Without the love and support of a family, many of us would have found this pandemic even harder than it already is. This is the reality of those at Sucharithodaya Orphanage in Maharagama, home to young children, the elderly, and the disabled. The hard-working staff there touched our hearts with their dedication towards maintaining a dwelling for the vulnerable during these challenging times, and we felt that we had to contribute in any way we could.

Insighture decided to send care packages with food necessities to the institute, helping to take care of the basic needs of those who call it home. Knowing that we can help those in our community who need it truly brings joy to our hearts.

The people-first approach and importance of community are present in our outreach projects and within the office. We value each person on our team, including our invaluable cleaning staff member Udeni. Though she is unable to come to work due to the pandemic, we continue to support her with weekly payments for her necessities.

We are hoping to continue these initiatives and are already planning our next project. For those interested in contributing in any capacity moving forward, please feel free to contact me, Thilini, the People and Culture Lead.

The results of our past initiatives have been very encouraging, and we are excited to explore the various ways we can further engage in and aid our community. Our goal is to help out and give back to our local community. We hope to lead by example, instilling in our employees a sense of pride in our company’s values and inspiring them to get involved in any upcoming initiatives.

In closing, it’s important to acknowledge that none of these achievements would have been possible without our most valuable asset: the dedicated individuals at Insighture who wholeheartedly align with our core values. Through their commitment and resilience in the face of challenges, they have played an indispensable role in building a truly remarkable company. Thank you for being the driving force behind our success.

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